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Resources for Sunday Services

These are Resources that Small Church pastors are finding useful and you may too. If you have resources that you are using, please let us know.

Worship Software

Free Ones

Video Psalm




They can be used on Zoom or on-line. Some of the following have free music and some a church has to pay for. They require CCLI Streaming Plus. These have been a help for the churches that do not have a worship team to have music in their services.

Worship Lyric Videos –

Reawaken Hymns

City Alight

The Getty’s –

Facebook Groups 

EasyWorship User Group
Community for EasyWorship users around  the world

ProPresenter Users’ Group
Get help with ProPresenter and help others as well

Worship Leaders Group
A place that worship leaders can go to encourage each other

Churches That Live Stream
A place for churches to connect and share on their latest adventures in church production

Some churches have shared their own worship that they are streaming with other churches which has been a help.


Free Bible Images – there are pictures for different stories of the Bible


Worshiphouse Media – they have videos, background pictures. Some are free and can be used on Zoom or on-line. In order to use them on Zoom or on-line, the web service license needs to be gotten with the video. At the moment, the web license is:                                                                                                                        

Skitguys – if you get a subscription to them, you also get streaming rights. You have access to hundreds of videos.

Worshiphouse Kids– they have videos, songs and countdowns.  Some are free. They can be used on Zoom or on-line with the web service license.

I am Second – they have videos, free Bible study guides to use with the videos. The videos are also on YouTube. LInks can be shared or played in a Zoom Bible Study.

RightNow Media -has over 20,000 streaming Bible Study videos for adults, teens, men, women and children that can be used on Zoom or on -line. There is a charge.