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Resources for Small Church Pastors’ Wives


Love, Joy & Faithfulness – A 90-Day Devotional for the Pastor’s Wife. “You will be inspired and encouraged as you read these devotions from women who have walked in ministry life with all of its joys and challenges. Together explore what it means to extend LOVE, exude JOY, and exhibit FAITHFULNESS as a pastor’s wife.” This is a ministry of Flowers for the Pastor’s Wife.

The Minister’s Wife by Karen Stiller – “As Karen Stiller shares her own deep-from-the-heart experiences as a minister’s wife, she welcomes us to join her on a rich, difficult, yet ultimately grace-filled spiritual adventure.”


Flowers for the Pastor’s Wife blog exists to encourage the heart of the pastor’s wife.


Wendy McCready, co-founder of Flowers for the Pastor’s Wife, and Ron Baker, of Canadian Small Church Ministry Centre, have done a podcast on Pastors’ wives.