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Resources for the Small Church in Canada


3 Unique Advantages Small Churches Have in a Rapidly Changing Culture

Short videos on the Significant Church Research

Check out the Flourishing Congregations videos regarding the Significant Church research. Ron Johnston, Kevin Driver, Rick Heimstra, Lindsay Callaway, and Ron Baker give short five minute thoughts. See videos here

Webinar by the Canadian Centre for Christian Charities

This is a webinar that the CCCC’s put on for small church pastors and leaders on how to read Financial Statements. It is called “Reading Financial Statements for Boards and Leaders“. The webinar is free to listen to for any CCCC members and a small fee ($25) for non-members.

Parenting Faith Research Study

Faith formation of children in the home by EFC.

Renegotiating Faith

This is a study that has been done on how youth are renegotiating their faith when they leave they leave home. There are recommendations that small churches can be doing to help their young adults make this transition and keep connected to the church.

The PDF of this study Renegotiating Faith can be downloaded from p2c :

An article was written about this study in Faith Today entitled “How young adults renegotiate faith”

Renegotiating Faith: An interview with Rick Hiemstra about the youth and faith research project –

Renegotiating Faith: The delay in young adult identity formation – A discussion of major new research on youth and faith, featuring practical advice for churches. Includes lead EFC researcher Rick Hiemstra, Anton Lim of Power to Change–Students, and Jeremy MacDonald of Truth Matters. Host: Karen Stiller.


Lifeway has done research on pastors on being bi or multi-vocational.                              

Karl Vater

Karl Vater is a leading small church author and pastor.


Pastoring a small church well and looking at leadership issues from small church perspectives.