The last time that I wrote I said that I was going to begin something new. Instead of creating each blog entry myself, I was going to ask other people who are passionate about the small church to contribute.…
Some Positives From The Coronavirus
Every conversation that I have with people these days begins with at least ten minutes focused on the Coronavirus. It is the subject that dominates our newscasts. I just looked through today’s newspaper (Yes, we still get one delivered to…
The Day I Almost Drowned I feel like I have been taking a refresher course in basic ecclesiology over the course of the past month. I have been reminded of a truth that I have known most of my life but all of a…
Special People In My Life
If you are like me, you have been flooded with messages over the past few days about the COVID – 19 and its impact on so many different areas of our lives. I have been told to stay home, to…
The Power Of A Complement I received a compliment a few weeks ago and I still have a smile on my face every time that I think about it. I don’t intend to stop thinking about it any time soon. We all receive our…
Why A Consultation?
In my last entry I talked about the Small Consultation that will be held next week in Guelph. In this entry I want to try answering the “why” question. Why would leaders come from across Canada for two days…
You Don’t Have To Be Perfect I just finished answering a series of questions about my mother and it put me in a nostalgic mood. The questions were part of a video that a young woman in our church is preparing for Mothers’ Day in…
Retirement For The Christian: Never My wife retires today. She has worked in the medical field most of her adult life but today all that ends. Her employer is bringing her back for three weeks to train her replacement but it won’t be the…
Hanging On To God’s Call
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash While walking along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, Jesus saw four fishermen. He had met them before but this time was special. He had decided that he wanted to include them in…
Personal Gifts of Grace
Last week I received an update letter from one of my favorite missionaries. She serves as a midwife in Guatemala and in this update she shared two stories that dealt with the normal living out of her life in that…